1. Grateful for the family I have that extends out in so many directions and not just blood related, they always are there in times of need

2. Grateful for being given the opportunity of a new home from my sister

3. Grateful for the weather starting to turn for the better

4. Grateful for my mother coming 'back in the game' after not being well

5. Grateful to my husband who reminded me this month, our wedding anniversary, what great times we had during our time together

6. Grateful for my health

7. Grateful for the simple things like laughing at a silly joke

8. Finally grateful for reading ' Save me from the waves' that reunited me with many songs that I forgot gave me so many joyful memories

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And I am grateful for YOU xxx

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Mar 25Liked by Jessica Hepburn

Lovely sentiments. Inspiring. I have put a lovely note book by my bed x

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Love is a beautiful notebook xxx

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Mar 31Liked by Jessica Hepburn

Wonderful list of gratitudes, Jessica!

I am grateful for . . .

1) a gentle Sunday to think about gratitude.

2) being 51 -- it feels like a second adolescence of opportunity, minus the raging insecurity

3) more writing ideas than i will ever have time to write

4) time to write down some of them

5) my writing students

6) my writing mentors

7) spontaneous hugs and kisses (whether giving or receiving)

8) Jane Austen -- for most of human history, people had to stumble through life without her!

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I love your list of eight! Wonderful! xxx

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